jeudi 31 mai 2018

10 steps to a professional career as a designer

Christopher Cashdollar's pro tips will get you thinking beyond the pixel and on a path towards long-term professional relevance.

Design 'talent' can only advance your career so far. If you want to be more than just a flash in the pan, you need to diversify your skills and evolve beyond just slinging the hottest pixels. If longevity is an important aspect of your web design career, start preparing to expand your talents.

01. Learn your graphic design theory and history
How can you expect to master an expertise if you don't know any of the fundamentals? If you have a strong understanding of design history, you now have a mobile library of inspiration (i.e. your brain) to always draw from. Pull from this knowledge with purpose. Don't stumble through a historical design style without an understanding of how and why it originated.

02. Generate ideas
Don't stare at a blank computer screen. Successful designers learn how to generate concepts and avoid jumping into Photoshop too early.

First, articulate the design problem. Once you are prepared, plan, moderate, or participate in a quantity-not-quality brainstorming session. Only after the session should any ideas end up on the cutting room floor. For the ideas that survive, don't be afraid to sketch until a solution become clearer. Sketching doesn't have to be pretty, either. Moving through a volume of ideas rapidly before settling on a desired solution will take your design in a favourable direction faster.

03. Sell your work
While 'coffee is for closers', the spoils of design successes go to those who can instill confidence in their clients. One-on-one with your smallest client or unveiling new work to a poker-faced 60-person committee, you must be prepared to establish trust in how you talk about design.

04. Become a better writer
Writing is another form of creativity. The more you work the 'writing' muscle, the more you'll learn. Be comfortable turning the jumbled mess of thoughts in your head into organised, written ideas. Your words become an extension of yourself, providing additional opportunities to share your ideas when you're not present.

05. Surround yourself with people more talented than yourself
Can you learn in a vacuum? You can't. If you don't work with talented people that you can constantly learn from, think about changing jobs.

06. Work alone or work as a team
When you are on a team, can you successfully integrate with the personalities and talents of the team? If you are a freelancer, can you manage yourself and your projects despite wearing all the hats? If you already work solo, join forces with some like-minded professionals to bring something to life. Look into local coworking spaces or professional organisations where talented folks fraternise and collaborate. New to working with a team? Learn to let go of control. If you can learn to trust your teammates and earn that trust back, you'll forge a strong professional bond.

07. Handle conflict professionally
What type of reputation do you want to project to your contemporaries? Employers, co-workers, colleagues, and clients; all of these roles in your professional life aren't necessary one-time cameos. You will cross paths with them again. If not, your interpersonal skills will act as your proxy. People talk, reputation spreads and if you make a habit of burning bridges, it will come back to haunt you.

08. Accept that you have limits
Yes, you used to draw when you were a kid. Does that make you the best candidate to create an illustration for a paying client? Who doesn't like to take snaps with our iPhones and turn them into nostalgic bits of memory via Instagram? Software doesn't make you a master of lighting photography. Know your skills and specific expertise.

09. Value making relationships, not just connections
You'll never know when the next job or job opportunity will show up in your inbox. The spoils come to those who take the time to nurture their network. That includes past coworkers, friends you've made at conferences, and the multitude of designers who inspire you.

10. Be forever curious
Whenever possible, practice new techniques, try new tools, take risks, push the envelope - this forces you to challenge your creativity, combats stagnation and can help keep you relevant.

A career is like a slab of marble waiting to be turned into a piece of artwork. Like Michaelangeo, who could see the form inside of the unblemished stone, you can begin to shape your career in the vision of your choosing.

Read More : 10 steps to a professional career as a designer
from - Make Money Online

How to bring thousands of visitors from SE

Hello A2S members,
In this thread I will share with you a way to bring thousands of visitors to your WordPress blog. As we all know, traffic is the official currency of the world web . The amount of traffic coming to your site determines the ranking of your global and local site + the cost per click on ads, etc.

First go to the WordPress settings as shown below:

Then paste the links below in Update services
301 Moved

Read More : How to bring thousands of visitors from SE
from - Make Money Online

vendredi 18 mai 2018

[FREE - NETFLIX] Complete offer and get NETFLIX

I do not know if this is allowed here, if it is not, delete.

Complete a offer and get a free netflix By me :)

if you dont want Buy here

Read More : [FREE - NETFLIX] Complete offer and get NETFLIX
from - Make Money Online

Angemon Private Messages

Hello everyone ,
I just want to make something clear for all the angry private messages that I have received saying that I'm taking too long to reply. You should know that replying to your pms is something I do because I want to not because I have to. Also your subscription ended like three or four months ago and you want me to keep giving your support (for like forever) when you're not even supporting the forum anymore. (It's enough that I did give support for a whole month)
So yeah I have a real life and I have things to do , I try to answer as fast as possible just to help you. But I guess if it continues to be like this, I will start giving support just for those who support us.
Thanks for understanding guys,

Read More : Angemon Private Messages
from - Make Money Online

mercredi 16 mai 2018

I need a good vps !

hello members

i want to buy a vps which is suitable for the adsense method , or anyone who have tried the adsense method please share with me the name o vps used .
thank you all ^^

Read More : I need a good vps !
from - Make Money Online

lundi 14 mai 2018

How to get good hosting Unlimited site for 4$

Hi if you want get good hosting Unlimited site of 3 YEARS for only 4$
First go to this site hostpixal

And register and take hosting
This coupon code to get 3YEARS UNILEMETED site for 4$
Coupon code : 3YEARS

Read More : How to get good hosting Unlimited site for 4$
from - Make Money Online

Niche shopify


(Find Products in these Niches + Find Targeted Buyers who are Passionate in any of these interests)

WhaleGiraffeLionTigerRhinoHippoDragonflyFrogOctopusOwlPolar BearSeahorseStarfishWolvesZebraCheetahPantherLeopard
Farm Animals
Household Pets
RescuesBeagleBulldogBoxerShih TzuRottweilerPomeranianMalteseGreat DaneJack RussellCocker Spaniel

Read More : Niche shopify
from - Make Money Online

How to get good hosting Unlimited site for 4$

Hi if you want get good hosting Unlimited site of 3 YEARS for only 4$
First go to this site hostpixal

And register and take hosting
This coupon code to get 3YEARS UNILEMETED site for 4$
Coupon code : 3YEARS

Read More : How to get good hosting Unlimited site for 4$
from - Make Money Online

mardi 8 mai 2018

Google .app TLD is finally on sale for general public

Hello a2s members,
It's been 2 years that we have been waiting for this day, the .app TLD is finally on sale for general public (8 May).
What makes this TLD unique besides being owned by Google, is that this extension is the first tld secured with built-in HTTPS. This built-in security protects against ad malware, tracking injection by internet service providers, and safeguards against spying on open Wi-Fi networks.
Also we do know that Google already declared that from July , all websites without HTTPS will be marked as insecure and this will surely affect the SEO and the website ranking.
“Because .app will be the first TLD with enforced security made available for general registration, it’s helping move the web to an HTTPS-everywhere future in a big way,” Google writes in its announcement of the new TLD.
So If you guys want to join the tend , you can go to and choose your preferred registrar.
Best regards,

Read More : Google .app TLD is finally on sale for general public
from - Make Money Online

lundi 7 mai 2018

mercredi 2 mai 2018

weird offer !!

a. No Paid Search

b. No Advertising on Yahoo! Display Properties or Right Media Exchange including Stream Ads

c. No incentivized or path traffic

d. No direct linking through search

e. No trademark bidding

f. No SMS/Text

g. No sub-brokering the offer to other networks

h. PPV or Pop Traffic must use a presell LP

i. All creative requires approval from Instant Checkmate prior to use (using non-approved creative will result in non-payment on leads generated)

j. All email traffic must use approved from/subject lines that are not deceptive and are CAN-SPAM and abide by the California Business & Professions Code ? 17529

k. No Adwords Search Marketing allowed

l. United States only

Creative Conditions:

a. All Creatives, Landing Pages and Ads must be submitted for approval.

b. Landing pages must include the following disclaimer:
?"Reverse Phone Lookup will expose the legal name of the owner of any phone number. It also provides public information in addition to the name such as the location (city/state), service provider and more. Reverse Phone Lookup does not provide access to data, phone call history or text messages"

c. Cannot use false claims or representations including:
?False "as featured on" logos
?False testimonials

d. Cannot include or advertise the price of the $1 trial (or say it is free)

e. RPL ads cannot allude to text log access with the following copy or anything similar:
?It's like having access to their text logs"
?Just enter HIS number?

f. Failure to comply with conditions may result in loss of revenue and account termination.

Read More : weird offer !!
from - Make Money Online