mardi 17 octobre 2017

How to spy on your facebook ads competitors for FREE

Hello guys,
If you are following my vlogs at :
and if you understand Arabic , you will know that I have just started Shopify on vlog 6 , and my strategy seems to be working : got my first sale in less than 24 hours.
I'm spending a lot of money just to come up with the best strategy for my new ebook for you guys, I have spent 300$ and I'm sure I need to spend even more for testing, but I guess the next ebook will be just perfect for all of you.
So while working on shopify I needed to check how other shopify stores are doing their advertising , so I was searching on chrome store and I found this amazing extension : Turbo Ad Finder
When you install it and enable it , it will hide all posts but the facebook ads , this way you get to see all the facebook ads from competitors so you can start your ad too professionally

I hope this short guide will help you guys,

Read More : How to spy on your facebook ads competitors for FREE
from - Make Money Online

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