mardi 4 août 2015

Please take a look at this before posting here :)

Hello guys, I really like how the new a2s members introduce themselves here, there are more than 200 posts and I am afraid most of the people who introduce themselves make their posts less than 20 words like "I am really happy to come to this forum" we do appreciate that but if you want to introduce yourself just take a look at these guidelines.

1.Introduction means to introduce yourself, write more about yourself.
2.Write about what are your specialities, skills etc.
3.Also if you have a few achievements or certifications please do post theme here so we can take a look.
4.Be nice and friendly while writing, don't show off too much.
5.Remember write about yourself what you are good at and also if you can help the community.
6.Take a look at other sub-forums that we have and post in the forums you most interested in :)
8.Make your title appealing so that the members feel curious while reading!

That's mostly it, we are tired of just seeing new members create post that are like almost blank and no meaning, say about yourself that means Introduction
also, Enjoy at :smile:

Read More : Please take a look at this before posting here :)
from - Money Making Forum

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